There is a lot to think about! One thing that sticks with me is the language we use within the context of this “new” technology.

Our human-created vocabulary shows our wariness, yet we have allowed this “thing” to become a part of our forever. Even the word “artificial” connates false, fake, not as good as the original. Yet, in some circles, we the people, are actively trying to see how AI can “stand in” for us…like in writing, grading, etc.

As a writer, do I want to write for artificially generated feedback, OR do I want to write so that a human will read it and be moved, inspired, informed?

The AI Log is amazing, Rob! Happy Anniversary! 🎉

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Thanks so much, Christina! I agree with you about the language we use. The semantic confusion around how we talk about machines that can generate language makes for a lot of talking past each other.

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Great piece! So glad you are here and sharing your thinking. In many ways over the last year that it has become clear that we are running parallel tracks. Thankful for you, congratulations! 🎉

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Parallel, indeed. Your recent piece on approaching AI this fall hit every note I think is important. Funny how opposite we are in many ways (engineer-cultural studies, west coast-east coast, ungraded homeschooled-graded public school) and yet share much the same ideas about teaching and reform.

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