This is a very special post, Rob. You give voice to a lot of my own anxieties. I have become a little suspicious of the not selling out narrative over the years—although it still operates inside me at the level of gut function. I think if we poke at this narrative long enough, it may just be another capitalist individualist narrative albeit in inverted form. My time in the character persona building arena has been interesting. I am finding myself engaging in some serious selling activities at times rationalizing them in light of other larger objectives like family and means to end. But like you I am now actively at work turning to find the place where my skills can make an impact in way that alights with my commitment to improve students’ experiences with AI. Once again, I appreciate your commitment to transparency. It is admirable and worthy of emulating.

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Thanks, Nick! I try to avoid doing too much self-reflection in public because it feels self-indulgent. Better to do the work.

I figure I will do this once a year on a topic that I suspect others are thinking about. So glad it spoke to you!

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